- Responsibility of the Shipper & Airline
- Hidden Dangerous Goods
- Dangerous Goods permitted on Passenger & Crew
- Identifying Dangerous Goods as per the regulations
- Packaging, Marking & Labelling
- Shipper’s Dangerous Goods Declaration
- Storage & Loading
- Following of emergency procedures
- Radioactive Material
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulation training programs have be structured to meet the specific requirements of those attached Airlines, Courier, Cargo Processing Staff at the Airport, and Logistical Staff based on comprehensive classroom exercises combined with excellent teaching practices with expert knowledge.
Training will enable the individual to confirm acceptance of a consignment as a General or Dangerous Goods. In case of the consignment being Dangerous, the responsibility of the individual. To check and confirm the Shipper’s documents for Dangerous Goods consignment. To confirm the package complies will the Regulations for the carriage. The restrictions that needs to be adhered when warehousing and loading of the consignment.
The IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations manual is published annually with the updated restrictions in order to reduce the dangerous posed by these goods during their handling and transport.
Civil Aviation Instructor Approval 2019: OP/14/3/6/1